Dry Needling is a highly effective intervention that targets trigger points or taut bands within muscles. By inserting sterile, ultra-thin needles into specific areas, we help release muscle tension, reduce pain, and improve mobility. Unlike acupuncture, which is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dry Needling is based on Western neuroanatomy and modern scientific study of the musculoskeletal system. This technique is especially useful for stubborn conditions such as chronic muscle knots, tendonitis, and neuromuscular imbalances. At Be On The Move, our skilled therapists meticulously evaluate your pain points and movement patterns to decide if Dry Needling is appropriate. The procedure often leads to immediate improvements in range of motion and noticeable pain relief, making it an excellent complement to other forms of physical therapy like manual therapy and corrective exercises.
After a thorough assessment, your therapist will identify problematic muscles and insert fine needles into those areas for a short duration. You may feel a slight twitch response or mild discomfort. The therapist then removes the needles and may recommend follow-up exercises to reinforce pain relief and motor control.
Ideal for those with persistent muscular tension, athletes with repetitive strain injuries, and patients recovering from acute musculoskeletal injuries.
Is dry needling the same as acupuncture?
They use similar needles, but dry needling is based on Western musculoskeletal principles, not TCM.
Does dry needling hurt?
Some people feel a brief twitch or discomfort, but it’s generally well-tolerated.
How many sessions are typically needed?
It depends on the condition and your response, but many see relief within a few sessions.
Can dry needling help chronic muscle knots?
Yes. It’s often effective for releasing tight or knotted muscles that don’t respond to other treatments.
Are there any side effects?
Mild bruising or soreness can occur, but serious side effects are rare.
Is it safe for post-surgical patients?
Yes, once cleared by your doctor and depending on your stage of recovery, it can aid in reducing pain.
Should I do exercises after a dry needling session?
We often recommend gentle stretches or strengthening exercises to reinforce the benefits.
Is your pain keeping you from fully enjoying your day?
Do you wish it would just disappear, but it continues to trouble you?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we understand how frustrating and overwhelming persistent pain can be. That’s why we’re here to help. Our caring team of physical therapists will listen to your concerns, create a custom treatment plan just for you, and work by your side every step of the way—so you can get back to living life on your terms.
Call our office now at 561-523-2299 or request an appointment